Jiří Zelí Zelenka
Jiří Zelí Zelenka

Jiří Zelenka was born in 1963 in Milevsko. At the age of 11, he entered the Elementary Music School in Milevsko, playing the accordion. He was also part of the Milevsky Choir, under the direction of Andela Maršálková. In 1978 he entered the Milevská grammar school, where together with his friends he founded his first band called Vega. There he had his drumming beginnings in the group Fantom. He studied drums with Miloš Veselý. In 1986, he joined the popular band Marsyas. This started his professional career. In the years 1986–1988, Jiří Zelenka was a member of the Prague Crew Music. In the war, he begins rehearsing with the band Yellow Dog. After leaving the service, he joins there as a permanent member. He has been in the band for twenty years. Bands are slowly beginning to learn about his talent and professionalism, and Jiří Zelenka is becoming the most sought-after drummer. He accepts bands such as Bigheads, BSP, Etc ..., Krausberry, Flamengo, Blues Session, and others ... He also appeared in the famous TV show "Na klobčku". He also participated in the musical "Jesus Chrtist Superstar". Today, Jiří Zelenka is still a sought-after and legendary drummer. He plays with the bands Brothers Ebenová, Flamengo reunion session, Kybabu and others, with whom he organizes many concerts throughout the Czech Republic.

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