MT JULIET, TN, January 3, 2023... Mapex is starting the new year strong with the exciting launch of the updated and upgraded MPX Snare Drum Series perfect for any drummer from beginner to seasoned pro. Expanding to an impressive 18 models, the snares include new high-quality features designed to improve the sound and function while preserving the built-in value for which Mapex is known.
MPX was developed with sound-first principles in mind, and the series offerings fit within the Sonic Flow concept roadmap. “The sonic flow concept is something we’re very proud of here at Mapex,” states brand manager Jeff Mulvihill. “Sound isn’t always a priority when instruments are developed for this segment of the market, but we give every bit as much thought to SOUND as we do to functions, features, and prices.”
Upgrades include the Mapex Armory series throwoff on all standard, deep, and small diameter models, or the reissued and updated Mapex Cast Piccolo throwoff on the shallow drums. Additionally, a much stouter lug casing, 1.3mm triple flanged hoops, and the famed Mapex SONIClear bearing edge produce sonic possibilities with unprecedented variety. Selections can be made from steel shell models, or a newly crafted Maple/Poplar hybrid shell offered in a player’s choice of a transparent natural lacquer finish with chrome hardware or a transparent black lacquer finish with black plated hardware. Classifications pair each model with Deep, Standard, Shallow and Small Diameters as basic Sonic Flow descriptors and then get more specific with shell types and sizes added to aid in any drummer’s search.
Mapex is able to bring this impressive lineup to life, complete with all newly upgraded features while maintaining prices, allowing players to find THEIR snare drum sound while delivering incredible value. Visit the Mapex Webpage or any Mapex Retailer for a full listing of these exciting new instruments and discover where Sonics meet value with MPX.
Because MPX is exactly where Sonics meets Value.