Marco Bonutto
Marco Bonutto

Marco Bonutto, Percussionist, Drummer and Producer was born in Conegliano (TV) Italy in 1984.
He plays instruments from Afro-Cuban, Mediterranean, Jazz, Ethnic jazz and Italian tradition.
He studied at Centro Arti Percussive and graduated at Bologna Music Academy, perfecting himself in these years with teachers such as Alex Acuna, Giovanni Hidalgo, Peter Erskine, and more.
There are many travels that have led the percussionist to undertake the study of many musical traditions, deepening his studies in Africa, Central America, and some of the most important cultural areas of the Mediterranean Sea.
His musical training focuses on collaborations, concerts, recordings, and professional experiences in the field of ethnic music, jazz, pop with numerous national and international artists participating in important festivals and concerts in Italy and abroad.

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