Dave Drzewiecki
Dave Drzewiecki
Flight | Anthem - A Tribute to Rush
United States

"Mapex is a company defined by its innovation and willingness to explore new ideas. They actively listen to and address the needs of drummers worldwide."

All it took was one music video, "Sister Disco," performed by The Who during the 1979 Concert for the People of Kampuchea. "I remember seeing Kenny Jones of The Who with this huge white drum set. Near the end of the song, he was doing these fills across a virtual wall of toms, and I remember thinking to myself, that looks like a lot of fun... I want to do that... I can do that!"

As it turns out for Dave, he did, and for him, the journey began. Over forty years later, that passion is still burning as strong as ever. "I was lucky enough to study with Scott Hornack, who was a longtime student of the great Sonny Igoe. Scott was responsible for laying the solid groundwork during my early formative years." Dave continued to play throughout high school in various orchestral, jazz, big band, and percussion ensembles. "My early exposure to various types and styles of music certainly made me a better musician… not just a better drummer. I learned to play with other musicians, to pay attention to dynamics, and to support the music I was playing, and not just bashing away."

For many years, Dave was the driving force behind the indie sensation, Friday’s Child. He galvanized their live shows to audiences across the U.S. with his solid grooves and enthusiastic visual stage presence. This won him Best Rock Drummer as voted by the 1.5 million listener fan base of CyberstationUSA.com.

Dave considers himself a “perpetual student of the instrument.” "I am always looking to grow musically any way I can." Dave has studied with the late Dom Famularo in New York. "Dom was always a tremendous motivator. His enthusiasm and charisma were infectious; you couldn't help but get fired up whenever you were around him!" Since studying with Dom, Dave has employed many new techniques and ideas which he feels have really given his playing a lift and new life. That time with Dom sparked a desire in Dave to study with other greats, such as the late Joe Morello and the larger-than-life "Man with the Golden Groove," Bernard Purdie.

Dave maintains an active recording and touring schedule and proudly endorses Mapex Drums, Sabian Cymbals, Vic Firth Drumsticks, Rhythm Tech Percussion, and XL Specialty Percussion Cases.

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