Chase Dodds
Chase Dodds
Cale Dodds

Chase Dodds was born on the first day of spring in Columbus, Georgia. Growing up, his parents flooded their home with rock, country, and pop music. “Mom drove us to school listening to Springsteen and Dad picked us up listening to Skynyrd.” Chase started his percussive future in his middle school concert band, which blossomed into a high school music career in marching band(drumline), symphonic band, jazz band, and percussion ensemble.

In 2012, Chase moved to Nashville with his band and brother, seeking more opportunities in music. After rebranding themselves as “Cale Dodds” (artist/ songwriter), they signed with CAA in 2014 and Warner Music Nashville and Starstruck Entertainment (management) in 2017, where Chase continues to drum, lead the band, and also Tour Manages the project.

Chase’s drumming ambitions have evolved into much more. When he’s not on the road, he’s using his time to build shows in Ableton, and is an aspiring songwriter and demo producer.

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