Victor Israel Villamar Ortega
Victor Israel Villamar Ortega

"I love Mapex, powerful sound in each Drum with the best modern system in hardware and beauty in all its designs."

    • Born in Guayaquil Ecuador

    • 31 years, musician, drummer.

    • Classical percussion at the Conservatory Antonio Neumann jazz and Technology in Contemporary Music Conservatory Rimsky Korsakov

    • I have spent studying the bases creating a practical method both musically and technically, it has helped me in different musical styles and resources that I apply to my performance without losing my musicality, being very clear that we are more than Drummers

    • Drummer and composer for Menora band

    • Official Band CEPAD (International Artists)
      Ø Tours with International Singers
      Ø Rene Gonzales (Puerto Rico)
      Ø Julissa (USA)
      Ø David Scarpetta (Colombia)
      Ø Luigi Castro (Costa Rica) with Claudio Freydzon Crusade (Argentine)
      Ø Ø Juan Carlos Alvarado (Guatemala)
      Ø Jacob Ramos (Puerto Rico)
      ØMichael Rodriguez (Puerto Rico)
      ØCarolina la O (Miami)
      ØPhillips Jones (Colombian)
      ØMakano (Republica Dominicana)

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