Marco Toro
Marco Toro

Marco Toro is a versatile drummer, percussionist and composer born in Caracas, who´s roots are embedded in Venezuelan popular music and culture. In 2021 he released his latest work with Zambo Jazz, a mixture of rhythms and flavors that reminds the listener of places like Africa, South America and New Orleans. Marco Toro shows his diversity in the drums and percussion once again, playing as always with first class musicians. Besides playing drums, timbal, congas, bongos and cowbell, he also plays typical Afro-Venezuelan instruments. He does not only play all kinds of percussion instruments, he also plays a wide variety of styles on drums. Already in 2004 he embarked on a solo project: Marco Toro y su Ensamble, exploring South American rhythms, with this group he released nine albums.Marco Toro is now playing with Drums United since 2008, touring across Europe, USA, Canada, South America, China & Thailand. In 1989 Marco Toro formed Laberinto, a rock band that became known for creating “Metalatino,” a unique mix of tight metal and Latin percussion. In 1992 Laberinto moved from Caracas to Amsterdam, where the band edited eight albums between 1996 and 2010. He has shared stage and recorded with many renowned artists such as: Andy Gonzalez, La India, Jimmy Bosch, Metropole Orkest, Terry Jones Rogers & Scott Nienhaus (The Birds), Osdorp Posse, Drums United, Cubop City Big Band, Pedro Arroyo, Beatbusters & Def P, Marike Jager, Barry Hay & The JB Meijers, and many more.

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