Kazú Drummer
Kazú Drummer

Iñigo was born in 1988 in the city of Pamplona (north of Spain) he started playing the drums at the age of 12 as an attempt to remedy his psychomotricity problems. little by little he was learning from local private teachers, in addition to improving his motor skills and coordination. Until he was 25 years old, he did not move to Madrid, where he began to study seriously with professors such as Manu Reyes, Miguel Lamas, Jairo Ubiaño, Chus Gancedo, Toni Mateos, Ezequiel Navas, Deivhook, etc. Shortly after, professional opportunities began to arrive, in orchestras, substitutions, recordings or even debuting as a teacher. Currently Iñigo plays in projects such as Retales, Durango14, Papa lebowsky or Varo V among many others. In addition to being a teacher and session musician. He also works as a backline or sound technician.

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