Jason Hew
Jason Hew

Jason Hew is a drummer who was born and raised in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He started off playing the Chinese traditional lion and dragon dance drum, Tanggu, at the age of 5. He then progressed on to the contemporary drum kit and went on to perform professionally as young as 13. Jason found his passion in the heavier genres of music and went on to utilize it as a “safe place” for him to express himself, molding it as a platform for his creative outlet. He describes rock and metal music not as a medium to only express aggression and anger, but even joy and some humor. Jason has built himself to become a force to be reckoned with as a session drummer and a recordingn artist for his bands, GrandMaster, AWAKE, and ETERNISE. He has proven his ability to be able to drive music relentlessly with his full-blooded beats and orchestrations on the drum kit; as “sonic beast” that delivers full and powerful rhythm and riffs that will give any listener and audience goosebumps. Jason is currently in the process of recording his bands (ETERNISE and AWAKE)'s new EP for 2022. Other works would include his performing with Funhub TV Artist (Joey Leong, Juztin Lan, JieYing Tha) a popular Malaysian Chinese Pop Singer and Actress.

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